Implementation Guide

Thank you for choosing to use Climate Schools. We recommend running the Climate Schools modules approximately 6 to 12 months apart to maximise prevention outcomes for your students. Our existing modules include:

Alcohol Education (Year 8)
Alcohol and Cannabis Education (Years 8 or 9)
Psychostimulant and Cannabis Education (Year 10)

To implement the modules teachers need only follow these simple steps:

  1. Register your school by clicking on the “Register Your School” link and following the instructions.

  2. Register teachers.

    Ask all teachers at your school who will be implementing the program to register themselves by clicking on the “Teachers” link and following the instructions.

    Once teachers register they will be able to login to the site and view all the course material within the “Teacher Centre”

  3. Register students.

    Prior to starting the first lesson, ask all students in your class to register themselves by clicking on the “Students” link and following the instructions. This will require them to input your school’s unique ‘Student Code’ found by logging into to the Teacher Centre (if you need help locating your student code, please email us).

    Students will be emailed their login details but it is also a good idea for students to write their login details down in a safe place (they could write them into their diaries or workbooks).

    Once logged in, students will be able to view the lessons online and have access to the student summaries for each lesson within the “Student Centre”.

  4. Put aside 6 lessons to complete a module.

    Each module has six lessons of approximately 40 minutes. It is ideal to run the lessons one week apart so the students can incorporate the ideas into their lives.

    The six lessons are broken into two sections:

    • Online cartoon. In the first part of the lesson students spend approximately 20 minutes completing the internet-based section for that lesson. To do this each student needs to login to the website using their username and password generated in point 3 above. Each internet-based lesson contains an episode of a cartoon-based drama about the lives of young people. The drama about these young people gradually develops across the six lessons, and thus it is important for the lessons to be delivered consecutively and in close time-proximity to one another.

      Students will be required to complete the lessons in order and will only be able to view Lesson 2 once they have completed Lesson 1. This ensures all students receive the program in full.

    • Activities. In the second part of the lesson teachers can choose one or more of the activities for that lesson, which are available in the Teacher Centre once logged in. All the activities require minimal preparation by teachers, include lots of variety, and in some cases can also be used as homework and assignments.

    Summary sheets have also been prepared for teachers and students for each lesson and are contained under the relevant lesson heading.

    • The teacher summary sheets provide all the educational content for that lesson. Teachers may wish to read this summary prior to the lesson. Reference lists have been included for teachers if they wish to read further on any topic. Teachers do not need to read these additional references to run this program effectively.

    • The student summary sheets have been designed to enable teachers to be able to easily print lesson summaries and provide them to students. These summary sheets can then be placed in student workbooks if desired.